We’re thrilled to unveil the new brand identity for PT. Omega Taiyo Teknologi! From a modern logo to a user-friendly website and a compelling company profile video, we’ve helped them elevate their brand presence. 


We have been collaborating with OTT for 4 years, we have done a lot of work. This is not about coercion, but a sincere trust that OTT has given to Adorable media so that it continues to be relied on now and in the future.







Scope of works

In the initial chapter of our client’s transformative journey, we delved into a myriad of challenges that demanded our strategic prowess. However, with dynamic two-way cooperation, we have carried out several projects well, here are some of our projects.


Branding Logo

Good logo should be simple, memorable, and work well in a variety of sizes and applications. Visit the new logo philosophy here.


Video Company Profile

Company profile video allows you to showcase your company culture, product, team, and the passion behind your work. This can help potential customers connect with your brand on a deeper level. Visit the new company profile video here.


Renewable Website

Establishing credibility and attracting customers who search for your business via online. Visit the new website here.


Indoor Event Documentation

We capture every event that OTT holds every year, such as Open House and Exhibition. Visit the lastest videos we have made here.


Outdoor Event Documentation

We capture every event that OTT holds every year, such as Golf Tournament. Visit the lastest videos we have made here.


Merchandise & Prints

Adorable Media assist OTT in printing several items that are used as souvenirs at exhibitions such as coffee cups and printed media such as banners, business cards, letterheads and envelopes.


Having navigated the challenges, the second chapter of our client’s journey outlines the strategic solutions and innovative methodologies we employed to overcome obstacles. Here, we illuminate the transformative steps taken to turn challenges into opportunities.

Brand Awarness

Build strong identity


Existence, trusting, credibility

Company Profits

Acceleration company profits

Our journey epitomized innovation collaborative sessions, dynamic content, and emerging tech paved the way for the client's sustained success.


OTT sudah berpartner dengan Adorable Media sejak tahun 2021. Kami menyadari pentingnya brand awarness yang harus di bangun untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan customer kepada kami, Adorable membantu OTT dengan mem-branding logo kami sehingga lebih segar dan membuat website dan video company profile kami lebih profesional. Segala macam kegiatan dan event kantorpun kami percayakan kepada #TimAdorable agar lebih keren dan up-to-date.

Mr. Subhan Hendro

CEO at PT. Omega Taiyo Teknologi